How to Recycle a Toner Cartridge Technical Instructions - Cartridge for HP 1160 and 1320 ( 49A )
In this tutorial you will learn how to recycle a toner cartridge ( clean it, repair it if needs to and refill it with a toner ).
is very important tutorial. With this knowledge you may save lots of
money, earn lots of money or just enjoy saving the world by refill an
old cartridge instead of just trow it away :-)
Cross Reference: HP LaserJet 1160, HP LaserJet 1320, HP LaserJet 1320n, HP LaserJet 1320nw, HP LaserJet 1320tn
Supplies Part Number: Q5949A 2,500pgs (for both LaserJet 1160 and 1320), Q5949X 6,000pgs (only for the LaserJet 1320)
We hope that you will have an interesting learning ;-)
....ok lets begin...
Things that you will need for the whole process:Supplies:*99% Alcohol
*Conductive Grease
*Cotton Swab
*Lint-free Cloth
*Wiper Blade
*3/32-inch Drill Bit
*Needle-nose Pliers
*Small, Flat-blade Screwdriver
*Phillips-head Screwdriver
*Utility Knife
Step 1Place the cartridge on the workbench with
the toner hopper toward you. Open the
drum shutter and lift the right side of the
shutter. This will dislodge the drum shutter
from its cradle. (See Photo 1)
Step 2Slide the shutter to the right to remove the
shutter post from the cradle. (See Photo 2)
Set the drum shutter aside. Do not lose
the tension spring found on the end of the
shutter. (See Photo 3)
Step 3Flip the cartridge over so the drum is
facing up. (See Photo 4)
Step 4Using a 3/32-inch drill bit, drill a
hole into the square holes on the
back of the waste hopper.
(See Photos 5 & 6)
Step 5If the cartridge pins are
not pushed out the ends of the
cartridge, use a small, flat-blade
screwdriver to push the pins out
the end of the cartridge.
(See Photo 7) Grab the pins using
needlenose pliers and remove
the pins.
Step 6Separate the two sections of the
cartridge. (See Photo 8)
Step 7Using a utility knife, cut two small notches
in the plastic that surrounds the drum
contact axle. Photo 9 and Photo 10
Step 8With needlenose pliers, grab the drum
contact axle and pull the axle out from the
end of the waste hopper. (See Photos 11)
Step 9Carefully lift up on the non-gear end of the
drum and slide the drum out of the bearing
end cap. (See Photos 12) If the drum is
going to be reused, place it in a protected
area away from the light.
Step 10Lift out the PCR. (See Photo 13) Clean the
PCR using mild soap and water.
Step 11Remove the two screws holding the wiper
blade. (See Photo 14)
Step 12Remove the wiper blade. (See Photo 15)
Clean the waste hopper using dry,
compressed air or a vacuum.
Step 13Apply padding powder to the wiper
blade. Place the blade onto the waste
hopper and install the two screws that
hold the blade in place. (See Photo 16)
Step 14Clean the PCR saddles using a cotton
swab and alcohol. Apply new conductive
grease to the black conductive saddle
and put the clean PCR into place.
(See Photo 17)
Step 15Apply padding powder to the
drum. Install the drive gear
into the bearing end cap. Slide
the drum’s contact axle into
the end of the waste hopper.
(See Photo 18) Rotate the drum
to ensure that the drum
and wiper blade are properly
lubricated. Clean the padding
powder off the PCR using a
lint-free cloth. Set the waste
hopper aside in a protected area
away from the light.
Step 16The gear housing end cap on
the toner hopper is sonically
welded to the toner hopper.
Place a small, flat-blade screwdriver
at the base of each plastic
weld and carefully pry up.
(See Photo 19)
Step 17
Using a 3/32 inch drill bit, drill a
hole into the gear housing end
cap where the two plastic welds
hold the end cap to the toner
(See Photo 20)
Step 18Insert a small, flat-blade screwdriver
between the toner hopper
and the gear housing end cap
next to the sonic welds.
Carefully pry the end cap away
from the toner hopper.
(See Photo 21)
Step 19Before the end cap can be removed,
Hewlett-Packard has also sonically welded
the alignment pin that holds the mag
roller stabilizing bar in place. This weld has
to be broken as well. Insert a flat-blade
screwdriver between the stabilizing bar
and the toner hopper. (See Photo 22)
Carefully pry the gear housing end cap
away from the toner hopper. Remove the
end cap.
Step 20Remove the three gears from the end of
the cartridge, leaving the toner agitator
gear. (See Photo 23)
Step 21Rotate the cartridge 180°. Remove the
two screws holding the contact end cap to
the toner hopper.
(See Photo 24)
Step 22The alignment pin that holds the contact
end plate is sonically welded to the toner
hopper. Insert a small, flat-blade screwdriver
between the contact plate and the
toner hopper. Carefully pry the contact
plate away from the toner hopper. (See
Photo 25)
Step 23Carefully remove the mag roller from the
toner hopper. (See Photo 26)
Step 24Remove the mag roller stabilizing bar,
and the mag roller bushings from the
ends of the mag roller. (See Photo 27)
Clean the mag roller first with compressed
air or a vacuum, then use a mag
roller cleaner. Clean the mag roller bushings
using alcohol and a lint-free cloth.
Step 25Remove the two screws holding the doctor
blade. (See Photo 28)
Step 26Remove the plastic scrapers from the
ends of the doctor blade and remove the
blade. (See Photo 29) Clean the doctor
blade using alcohol and a lint-free cloth.
Empty the remaining toner from the toner
hopper. Clean the toner hopper using dry,
compressed air or a vacuum.
Step 27Remove the white plastic wall that is stuck
to the top of the mag roller opening using
a flat-blade screwdriver or a utility knife.
(See Photo 30)
Step 28Remove the doctor blade end foams from
each side of the toner hopper.
(See Photo 31)
Fill the hopper with toner.
Step 29Using a small, flat-blade screwdriver,
push the seal exit port
plug from the end of the toner
hopper. (See Photo 32) Carefully
clean the seal area. Once most
of the toner is removed from the
seal area, clean again using a
cotton swab and alcohol.
Step 30Remove the seal liner from the
back of the seal and adhere the
seal to the toner hopper. Slide
the tail of the seal through the
seal exit port and reinstall the
seal exit port plug.
(See Photo 33)
Step 31Install the doctor blade end
foams onto each side of the
toner hopper.
(See Photo 34)
Step 32Install the clean or new doctor
blade onto the hopper. Place
the scrapers on each end of the
doctor blade and install the two
screws that hold the blade in
(See Photo 35)
Step 33Place the clean mag roller bushings onto
the end of the mag roller. The white bushing
goes on the gear end and the black
bushing goes on the contact end. Install
the mag roller stabilizing bar onto the gear
end of the mag roller and set the mag
roller into the toner hopper. (See Photo 36)
Step 34Slide the tail of the seal through the contact
end cap and place the end cap into
position. Install the two screws that hold
the end cap in place. (See Photo 37)
Step 35Place the three gears onto the end of the
cartridge. (See Photo 38)
Step 36Install the gear housing end cap onto the
end of the toner hopper. Secure the end
cap with two screws.
(See Photos 39)
Step 37Join the toner hopper and waste hopper
together. Install the two cartridge pins that
hold the cartridge together.
(See Photos 40 & 41)
Step 38Place the drum shutter onto the waste
hopper so that the tension spring fits into
its slot. (See Photo 42) Press down on each
end to lock the drum shutter posts into
position. (See Photo 43)
Test the cartridge.
We will provide and tutorials for many more toner cartridges so keep you eye on us :-)